”NOT AT HOME” katalog / catalog, 2015
Exhibition catalog NOT AT HOME, Viborg Kunsthal 2015
Preface – Helene Nyborg Bay, director Viborg Kunsthal
Not at home – Veo Friis Jespersen, Heine Kjærgaard Klausen, Mikael Thejll, Skulpturi
When the door closes – Carsten Schøtt Philipsen, External Associated Professor
The Potential of temporary space – Gitte Mikkelsen, senior ethnologist
The link between the very near and the very far: Some thoughts on mobility, transcience and the sense of place – Carsten Thau, Professor. Institute Architecture and Culture.
Photography: Martin Schubert.
Translation: Glen Garner
Graphic Design: Henning Guddahl
Cover: Mikael Thejll
Copenhagen 2015, 155 pages, ill., 21,50 x 24 cm, Softcover,
Danish/English. ISBN 978-87-997397-0-7. SKULPTURI, Viborg Kunsthal

Veksølund Skulpturpark / Veksølund Sculpturepark, 2015
The story of Veksølund.
Text : Dina Rawat
Photography : Simon Lautrop
Book production: Simon Lautrop
Graphic Design : Simon Lautrop and Tom Møller Kristensen
Copenhagen 2015, 82 pages, ill., 23,5 x 17,5 cm, Hardcover
Danish. ISBN 978-87-992506-4-6

SKULPTURI 2007-2013
This book contains extensive photo documentation of all of SKULPTURI’s exhibition activities from 2007-2013, with a focus on a matter-of-fact documentation, displayed in a democratic and chronologically non-preferential sequence of exhibitions.
Texts: Julie Damgaard, Magnus Thorø Clausen
Photography: Erling Lykke Jeppesen, Iben Bølling Kaufmann, Jens Linde
Translation: Dan A. Marmorstein
Graphic Design: Åse Eg
Copenhagen 2014, 220 pages, ill., 21 x 27,50 cm, Softcover,
Danish/English. ISBN 978-8-77669-057-1. hurricane-publishin

Kunstplan for Harrestrup Ådal for Ballerup kommune / Artplan for Harrestrup Ådal for the commune of Ballerup, 2013
Veo Friis Jespersen in Collaboration with Mikael Thejll; Artplan for Harrestrup Ådal for the Artcouncil of Ballerup and for the center for city, culture and buisness of Ballerup.
Graphic Design: Mikael Thejll and Veo Friis Jespersen
Photography: Veo Friis Jespersen and Mikael Thejll.
Danish. Print it here: https://docplayer.dk/3137823-Kunstplan-for-harrestrup-aadal.html

Veo Friis Jespersen, 2006
A book about my work.
Preface: Veo Friis Jespersen
Text: Peter Michael Hornung
Anders Sune Berg, Bent Ryberg, Simon Lautrop, Miguel Vega Olivares and Veo Friis Jespersen
Graphic design: Miguel Vega Olivares
Cover: Miguel Vega Olivares
Translation: Glen Garner
Copenhagen 2006, 56 pages, ill., 24,5 x 21 cm, softcover
Danish / English. ISBN 87-988043-3-2

C/O Sophienholm, katalog / catalog, 2004
Udstillings katalog/ Exhibition catalog, C/O Sophienholm, Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby, 2004
Preface: Miguel Vega Olivares and Veo Friis Jespersen
Texts: Kristine Samson
Anders Sune Berg, Carlos Capelán, Fa+, Ellen Hyllemose, Iben Bølling Kaufmann, Jørgen Carlo Larsen, Khaled Ramadan, Bent Ryberg, Kirstine Vaaben
Layout and Graphic Design: Miguel Vega Olivares
Cover: Miguel Vega Olivares
Translation: Jacob Lillemose
Copenhagen 2006, 56 pages, ill., 24,5 x 21 cm, softcover
Danish / English. ISBN 87-988043-2-4

Andre RUM, katalog / catalog, 2003
Udstillings katalog/ Exhibition catalog Andre RUM, FL Smith fabriksbygning, Valby, 2003
Text: Torgny Wilcke og Veo Friis Jespersen
Graphic Design: Marcelo Lerer
Danish. ISBN 87-988043-1-6

FØDT AF ILDEN – bronzen i dansk skulptur / BORN OF THE FIRE- the bronze in Danish sculpture, 2000
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibition catalog; FØDT AF ILDEN – bronzen i dansk skulptur, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek / BORN OF THE FIRE- the bronze in Danish sculpture, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 2000
Exhibition and catalog: Flemming Friborg
Photograpy: Ole Haupt, Heine Pedersen, Pernille Klemp, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Holsterbro Kunstmuseum, Gallerie Susanne Ottesen.
Copenhagen 2000, 128 pages, ill. 23 x 28 cm, softcover.
Danish / English. ISBN 87-7452247-7

Skulptur i Eventyrhaven / Sculpture in the Fairytale Garden, 1995
Udgivet af Odense Bys Kunstfond i forbindelse med udstillingen Skulptur i Eventyrhaven, 1996 / Published by Odense City Art Foundation in connection with the exhibition Sculpture in the Fairytale Garden, Odense, 1996.
Editorial staff: Karsten Ohrt og Ruth Kjær
Text : Michael Glasmeier
Photography: Planet Foto / Bent Ryberg
Graphic design: G. Design aps.
Odense 1996, 82 pages, ill., 15,5 x 21,5 cm, hardcover
Danish /English. ISBN 87-7766-052-8

Vestvolden – point of view, 2000
Udstillings katalog/ Exhibition catalog, Vestvolden – Point of view, 2000
Text: Miguel Vega Olivares og Veo Friis Jespersen
Fotography: Planet Foto, Bent Ryber
Graphic Design: Veo Friis Jespersen og Miguel Vega Olivares
Tryk: TL-Offset A/S
Copenhagen 2000,10 pages. ill., 19 x 19 cm, softcover.
Danish. ISBN 87-988043-0-8

Veksølund, 2010
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibitions catalog Veksølund 2010
Publisher: Veksølund
Fotography: Simon Lautrop
92 pages, ill. softcover
Danish. ISSN 0107-4911

Veksølund, 2007
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibitions catalog Veksølund 2007
Publisher: Veksølund
Fotography: Simon Lautrop
88 pages, ill. softcover
Danish. ISSN 0107-4911

Veksølund, 2005
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibitions catalog Veksølund 2005
Publisher: Veksølund
Fotography: Simon Lautrop
80 pages, ill., softcover.
Danish. ISSN 0107-4911

Veksølund, 2004
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibitions catalog Veksølund 2004
Publisher: Veksølund
Fotography: Simon Lautrop
72 pages, ill., softcover.
Danish. ISSN 0107-4911

Veksølund, 2003
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibitions catalog Veksølund 2004
Publisher: Veksølund
Fotography: Simon Lautrop
72 pages, ill., softcover.
Danish. ISSN 0107-4911

Veksølund, 2002
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibitions catalog Veksølund 2007
Publisher: Veksølund
Fotography: Simon Lautrop (SL),
Bent Ryberg (BR)
Danish. ISSN 0107-4911

Veksølund, 2000
Udstillingskatalog / Exhibitions catalog Veksølund 2004
Publisher: Veksølund
Fotography: Simon Lautrop
128 pages, ill., softcover.
Danish. ISSN 0107-4911